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33 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know - Part 5 == vs === vs typeof

33 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know - Part 5 == vs === vs typeof

How much of JavaScript do you really think you know? You probably know how to write functions, understand simple algorithms, and can even write a class. But do you know what a typed array is?

You don't need to know all of these concepts right now, but you will eventually need them later in your career. That’s why I recommend bookmarking this list, because chances are, you’ll encounter one of these topics, and then you’re gonna want a tutorial to fully understand it.

It’s important to note that this list was inspired from the following repository:

1. Call Stack

2. Primitive Types

3. Value Types and Reference Types

4. Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structuring and Duck Typing

5. == vs === vs typeof

33 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know - Part 5 == vs === vs typeof

JavaScript has two visually similar, yet very different, ways to test equality. You can test equality with == or ===. Source


6. Function Scope, Block Scope and Lexical Scope


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